15.04.21This article has been researched and written by Allbeing's in-house writers.
We humans in the digital era are exposed to the gift of varied opinions, theories and perspectives further more elaborative when it comes to health and immune. This also leaves us on the grey side of what is actually required of all the information and what is primary to the health of all. Let us have a clarity about all those nutrients that your body loves and consider them its best friend?
What are Micronutrients?

Micronutrients can be referred to nutrients in the form of vitamins and minerals that are crucial and needed in small amounts for healthy functioning, development ,wellbeing and safeguarding our bodies. They are a staple to the body whose deficiencies can have devastating consequences. These are vital nutrients that your skin flaunts, your body loves and makes your hormones feel satiated.
Did You Know?
There are 4 major kinds of micronutrients and 2 supplementary micronutrients.
They are-
- Water-soluble vitamins- These vitamins, which dissolve in water, include the B vitamins and vitamin C. Other than vitamin B12, most are not stored in the body and any amounts not used get flushed out in the urine. That means they must be replenished regularly. Their main job is to produce energy, but they also help prevent cell damage from metabolic stress and are needed to create red blood cells
- Fat-soluble vitamins- Fat-soluble vitamins dissolve in fat, but not water, and can be stored in your liver and fatty tissue for future use. These include vitamins A, D, E, and K. They help protect vision, strengthen the immune system, support blood clotting, and provide antioxidants to fight inflammation
- Microminerals- Microminerals are common minerals like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. They are necessary for many bodily functions, such as maintaining muscle and bone strength and controlling blood pressure.
- Trace minerals- These include iron, manganese, copper, zinc, and selenium. They are needed in smaller amounts than microminerals and help with feeding oxygen to muscles, supporting nervous system function, healing wounds, and defending cells against damage from stress.
- Phytonutrients- Phytonutrients are chemicals produced by plants. Foods with phytonutrients have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits which supports a healthy human body. Phytonutrients, also called phytochemicals, are chemicals produced by plants Polyphenols, carotenoids, ellagic acid, resvertrol, flavonoids, phytoestrogens, glucosinolates are types of phytonutrients.
- Probiotics- Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for the body especially the digestive system. Probiotics are often called "good" or "helpful" bacteria because they help keep the gut healthy.
VIT-MINS (Vitamins and minerals) For your Tricky 30s
The 30s decade is bustling with responsibilities , new experiences and juggling with role conflicts. You might have indulged or likely to dive into parenthood, sitting through work and maintaining a house you call home. It is very common to compromise one's health with these priority ladder.
Nevertheless, it is important to keep in reach your basic supplements and have an intake of food rich in certain micronutrients required at this age of hustle.

The Healthline quotes- 'About 60% of the magnesium in your body is found in bone, while the rest is in muscles, soft tissues and fluids, including blood. In fact, every cell in our body contains it and needs it to function. Unfortunately, studies suggest that about 50% of people get less than the recommended daily amount of magnesium'. The main reasons for its deficiency are -not eating enough unprocessed foods, magnesium depletion in the soil, and the over-consumption of processed foods that blocks magnesium absorption.
Magnesium is a mineral that helps to generate energy for the body, regulate blood pressure and blood sugar ,maintain strong bones and relax tense muscles. You need magnesium to have enough energy to juggle through all the variety and taxing work that your body is constantly at.
Recommended dosage - 310-320mg/day.
Quick Tips-
- There may be a link between depression and magnesium deficiency. Supplementing it can reduce symptoms of depression in some people.
- Magnesium supplements have been shown to improve symptoms that occur in women with PMS(premenstrual syndrome).
- Also relieves when suffering from migraine.
- Relieves pregnancy induced-leg cramps.

National Osteoporosis Foundation states “calcium plays an important role in building stronger, denser bones early in life thus keeping bones strong and healthy later in life”. Research says that you start losing your bone mass after the age of 35. Deficiency of calcium is a growing problem which women are facing these days. This is mainly due to improper diet, insufficient calcium intake and lack of proper timings of food. Long-term calcium deficiencies have serious effects on the body. So, to keep a balance and to maintain a healthy bone density, intake of calcium is utmost important. Also, calcium plays an integral role for women during their menstrual cycle.
Recommended dosage- 800-1000mg (per day)
Quick Tips-
- Our body needs vitamin D in order to absorb calcium. That means we won’t fully benefit from a calcium-rich diet if we are low on vitamin D. So make sure to have an intake of Vitamin D in your diet.
- If you’re lactose intolerant, vegan, or just not a fan of dairy products, you may find it difficult to get enough calcium in your diet. A calcium supplement can help add calcium to your diet.
Did You Know?
About 99% of the human body is made up of 6 elements: two of which include calcium and phosphorus!

The Centers For Disease Control And Prevention quotes 'All women of reproductive age should get 400 mcg of folic acid each day to get enough folic acid to help prevent some birth defects'. Folic acid is important for women who are thinking about having children and for women who are pregnant, a key ingredient in prenatal vitamins. Whether you are planning to get pregnant or not, taking folic acid during these years help maintain health. Folic acid, also referred to as folate or vitamin B9, supports brain health and cell reproduction, enhances verbal fluency and memory, and is believed to enhance one’s mood.
Recommended dosage- (daily amount of folate ) for adults is 400 micrograms (mcg). Adult women who are planning pregnancy or could become pregnant should be advised to get 400 to 800 mcg of folic acid a day.
How does it work?
- Folic acid is a B vitamin that is used by the body to manufacture DNA. DNA is required for rapid cell division and organ/tissue formation in a developing baby.
VITAMIN C AND E (Antioxidants)

Vitamin C and vitamin E are powerful antioxidants and support healthy skin from the inside out. Vitamin E is also essential for fertility in male and females. They increase male fertility and reduce the risk of miscarriages because they help to regulate the menstrual cycle. On the other hand, Vitamin C helps support the immune system and supports the creation of collagen, which supports skin’s youthful, soft, and elastic appearance.
Recommended dosage for Vitamin C- 90 mg/day for adult men and 75 mg/day for adult women.
Recommended dosage for Vitamin E- 15 mg/day in men and women, 15 mg/day in pregnant women and 19 mg/day in breastfeeding women.
Quick Tips-
- Many doctors steer away from focusing on vitamins and nutrients because they don’t work as fast as their pharmaceutical cousins. If you’re willing to take some time, learn what you need, and take them routinely, you’ll see many benefits.
- It can be difficult getting the proper amount of vitamin C and other minerals through diet alone; eating properly isn’t always easy or an option. Supplements are a great option to fill in the gap.

Iris Nutrition And Dietary Institute says , 'Women are at risk of having low body stores of iron because of menstruation and not eating enough iron rich foods to replace the losses'. Iron is an essential mineral. The major reason we need iron is that it helps to transport oxygen throughout the body .Iron is an important supplement for women who don’t consume a lot of meat, are athletes, pregnant women and women with moderate to heavy menstrual cycles. Iron intake is crucial to have a balanced haemoglobin level.
Women need 18 mg /day of iron to help steer clear of anaemia and to boost immune system. For men the intake of 8mg/day is enough.
Quick Tip-
- Taking an iron supplement can support your health, but be careful not to over-supplement with iron. Taking too much iron can cause vomiting, abdominal pain, and other symptoms.

- Indian Ginseng-very grounding, with benefits for energy, stamina and immunity.
- Bone Broth-supports a healthy gut, immune system, joint health, and helps to decrease cellulite.
- Olive Oil- They're rich in polyphenols, which are powerful brain protective antioxidants.
- Bok Choy-low in calories making this vegetable a winner for weight loss in It keeps blood pressure in the normal range, improves digestion, is rich in folate, and is an important nutrient in pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- Berries, tropical fruit, colourful vegetables, and green leafy vegetables are among the most antioxidant-rich foods you could grab to look and feel youthful.
- Fatty fish and eggs are filled with healthy fats and vitamin D, both of which can help boost testosterone hormones.
- Low-fat choices like milk, cheese, yogurt and cottage cheese are rich in calcium.
- Avocados and pine nuts are rich in vitamin E, which is important for reproduction.
- Cereals-Get fortified with vitamin-packed which has 100% of iron and folic acid requirements in one bowl.
- For every year after 30, men require 10 fewer calories a day and women need 7 fewer. In other words, by age 40, men should be eating 100 fewer calories each day than at 30; women should cut 70 calories from their daily diet at the age of 40.
- Your body doesn’t produce calcium, so you have to rely on your diet or supplements to get the calcium you need.
- In many studies, there has been a link between cancer prevention and vitamin C. Not only is this vitamin shown to prevent cancer, it is also shown to increase the likelihood of survival during and after treatment.
- Vitamin C also aids in fat loss.
- Although most people only absorb about 10% of the iron they consume, people with hemochromatosis should not take iron supplements as they absorb up to 30%. As a result, the iron in their body can build up to dangerous levels.
It stands clear that magnesium, calcium , folic acid and antioxidants are staple micronutrients that our body needs in the 30s decade. Other nutrients also play an important role and you should choose according to what you feel best adapts your body. A lot of food components are rich in these vitamins and nutrients. In your thirties, family, work, and brain management are pushed to the limit with all you have going on—especially as you try to find a balance for it all in your life and so super foods are essential. Also, as this is a childbearing age for women , intake of folic acid and iron is beneficial. But sometimes it is difficult to inculcate all of it into your diet due to hectic and ever changing schedules and role conflicts. Taking supplements for whatever misses out on food is highly recommended to maintain a healthy and prepared body for the journey thereafter. Own it up!

Forties are the age when you are juggling with everything in a more settled and habitual manner and so the intake of minerals and vitamins commenced in the earlier decade should not stop. Your forties are when digestive problems can start to show up, especially if your long-time diet has included a lot of processed food. You need to manage those moods as it starts out as your most settled decade health-wise, but for women pre-menopause can cause problems. You may also experience fussing symptoms such as fatigue and weight gain. So to make sure that this likely does not turn out to be a problem for you, you do need to keep in mind what you are and what you should be putting into your body.
Nutritional Importance and Recommended Dosage of Vit-Mins

The Healthline says, 'Omega-3 fatty acids are vital for optimal health.' This is the decade when one starts to experience more inflammation from a cellular level all the way to one's joints. omega-3 intake is excellent to control inflammation and to keep the body performing at its optimum level. Women at this stage are preparing to enter peri-menopause, the stage that precedes menopause, and may start to experience hot flashes. Omega-3 fatty acid is great for overall health during this time. It also supports heart and brain health, both of which are essential for maintaining well-being. recommended dosage is 250-500mg/day for all healthy adults.
Quick Tips
- Studies suggest that high doses of omega-3, ranging from 200–2,200 mg per day, can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.
- Your body may function best with balanced amounts of omega-6 and omega-3.

A vitamin B-complex is made up of 8 vitamins — thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), vitamin B6, biotin (B7), vitamin B12, and folic acid. These B vitamins work together and individually to support mood, digestion, sleep health, and likely a welcome boost of energy since they help convert food into fuel. They also support the cardiovascular system and can help maintain nail, hair, and skin health.

If your lifestyle is fairly hectic taking 800-1000mg/day calcium will help maintaining a healthy bone density. Heavy menstrual period can be subsided with the help of iron intake.

The National Institute Of Health says, 'Antioxidants protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals, which are molecules that contain an unshared electron. Free radicals damage cells and might contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease and cancer '.Vitamin C and E have proved to be helpful in keeping off harmful radicals as this damage is supposed to contribute to aging and many chronic diseases. Antioxidants like beta-cerotene and selenium also works wonders.

The Healthline quotes, 'Fibre is one of the main reasons whole plant foods are goof for you. Growing evidence shows that adequate fiber intake may benefit your digestion and reduce your risk of chronic disease.'. As your metabolism slows down during this decade, cholesterol levels and blood pressure in women can likely go up during menopause which sets up for a greater risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Fiber can help to prevent or make better such conditions. Recommended dosage for fiber -25g/day .

Potassium plays a necessary role in a variety of processes in the body. It is involved in muscle contractions, heart function and managing water balance.A diet rich in potassium is associated with a lower risk of high blood pressure, kidney stones and osteoporosis, among other benefits. Recommended dosage - 4700mg/day.

- Excellent sources of vitamin C include red and green pepper, citrus fruit, kiwi, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, strawberries and tomato juice.
- Vitamin E is plentiful in wheat-germ oil, sunflower seeds, almonds, sunflower oil, hazelnuts and peanut butter.
- Beta-carotene rich foods are and selenium rich foods are carrots, sweet potato, apricots, green vegetables Brazil nuts, tuna, shrimp, turkey.
- Fish oil-contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
- Sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, sour pickles, kombucha, or live culture yogurt -Fermented foods naturally contain beneficial bacteria . can help balance gut bacteria.
- Garlic, onions, leek, turmeric, olives, flax seed oil, and green leafy veggies are among the best foods for 40s.
- Unrefined whole grains -Eating like whole wheat, brown rice, and oats can help keep blood pressure and cholesterol in check. They help digestion and make you feel full on less food so that it makes you enter your 50s in good shape!
- Artichokes purify and protect the liver. They also have a mild diuretic effect on the kidneys which aids in toxin removal once the liver breaks them down. They are also high in fiber.
- Seaweed and sunflower seeds have important nutrients for smooth thyroid functioning.
- Coconut is rich in fiber, helps to fight Candida Albicans, fungi viruses, and bacteria, and the fatty acids in coconut can boost brain function.
- Curcumin (diferuloylmethane) is one of the chemical components in turmeric with huge health benefits. It encompasses the potential of anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and anti-microbial properties making it a gem of native ancient India.
- Also,1,000mg of Kelp(contains iodine)a day will gently feed your thyroid gland. Borderline low thyroid levels, which cause symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain and sluggish digestion, are often mistaken for pre-menopause.
- Eating more foods that are natural phytoestrogens (plant-based estrogen) like soy and cruciferous vegetables could help with keeping ones hormones balanced as one ages.
- People begin to experience an augmenting rise in the risk of heart disease at this point in their lifespan, so it's important to eat foods that promote a healthy cardiovascular system.
- Weight management can become more difficult in your forties. As you age, your metabolism slows, so portion control and nutrient-dense foods becomes more important.
- Cut back on sodium and aim for less than 2,300 milligrams a day and limit processed foods to keep blood pressure in check.
It steers clear that omega-3, vitamin B, calcium, iron and antioxidants are the basic requirement of our body during our 40s. This age is quite freckle when it comes to health issues. So, maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and a fit body calls for various nutrients rich food in the daily routine. Taking supplements is always recommended to ensure that one meets their dietary requirements daily. You got this!

Here you enter now with so much experience and finally settled with things. You may have children who are now a little less independent, a settled workplace and optimistically a little more time to work on your fabulous self. This stage is crucial for your heath for now and later on. It's the prime time to be on your toes when it comes to pampering your body with all that's good.

Focusing on calcium intake at this stage will help to maintain the bone health and will aid better healings of fractures and breakages. At the age of 51, women need 1,200 mg of calcium each day to help counter the rapid bone loss that occurs at menopause .
Quick Tip-
- Generally speaking, calcium requirements do not likely increase for men until the age of 71, when bone loss and fracture risk rise significantly.

With age, men and women have a reduced capacity to produce vitamin D through sun exposure. Vitamin D is an especially important vitamin for women in their 50s. By helping the body absorb calcium from food, vitamin D helps promote bone health. Taking vitamin D in conjunction with calcium can help support and maintain health.
Experts recommend around 1000-2000 IU (international units) of Vitamin D for adults above 50 years of age.

Vitamin B12, needed to make red blood cells, nerves and DNA, should also be supplemented after 50. vitamins B6 and B12 helps in protecting the heart. They help our body ditch a chemical called homocysteine that contributes to hardening of the arteries.
Dosage recommended-1.5 milligrams of B6 and 2.4 micrograms of B12 per day.
Co-Enzyme Q10 - Strengthens the heart muscle and maximises the benefits of oxygen within all cells. Recommended Dosage - 50mg a day.
- ZInc - It helps to keep hormones balanced.
- Probiotics- The older you are, the more vulnerable your system is to unhealthy bacteria. Probiotics help by reintroducing good bacteria. Recommended dosage- 1 billion to 10 billion CFUs (colony forming unit) a few days a week.
- Vitamin K2- Healthline says, 'Vitamin K2 plays an essential role in bone metabolism, and studies suggest that it can help prevent osteoporosis and fractures.' Some scientists are convinced that vitamin K2 supplements should be regularly used by people at risk of heart disease.

- Siberian ginseng- Helps to improve energy, mood and libido. It is the second most stimulating ginseng. Like all ginsengs, it improves immunity and stamina.
- Low-fat cheese, almonds, and broccoli -Some good calcium picks.
- cabbage, broccoli or Brussel sprouts-The fiber found in help stabilize blood sugar and insulin by slowing down digestion.
- Bananas, potatoes, and pomegranates -Good options that are rich in B6 and that can help prevent heart disease include.,
- Eggs, fish, and chicken - high in B12 and support a healthy nervous system.
- Basil-For vitamin K supporting bone health.
- Brazil Nuts- They contain selenium, calcium, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and fiber. Plus, Brazil nuts contain vitamin A and E, which can reduce wrinkles increase skin collagen.
- Multivitamins do the required as many older adults do not produce enough hydrochloric acid in their stomach to absorb the vitamin from foods.
- Animal protein can slow metabolism, but protein remains an important element for health and longevity.
- To balance hormones, such as leptin, the diet must contain high fiber vegetables to stabilize leptin levels by making you feel full longer. They balance cortisol, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants.
The onset of 50s mark a sign for focusing and diverting attention to oneself and one's body. Intaking nutrients according to any complication or deficiencies and otherwise to maintain good health is utmost important. Avoiding junk consumption can help the body feel lighter and more energetic It certainly is important to take supplements for any nutrients missing in daily diets to continue to have healthy muscles, nerves and bones .You still got this!