Key benefits
Powerful anti-ageing molecule
Eye fatigue relief
Skin ageing defense
Cardiovascular health
Immune system protection
Muscle resilience and athletic performance
Cognitive health

- Natural Asthaxanthin
- Extracted from: Microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis
Extracted in USA
Why do we choose this brand
Most studied brand of Asthaxanthin. Proof of efficacy substantiated through 130 plus human clinical studies and 600+ peer reviews.
Broad spectrum of unmatched protection and benefits.
An award winning global brand with leadership in patents in human health.
Safe to take daily.
40 safety studies done to determine the efficacy, safety, and tolerance of AstaReal astaxanthin for different doses, treatment periods, study designs, and demographic variables including age, gender, and ethnicity.
The only brand of natural astaxanthin backed by over 60 human clinical studies.
Endorsed by internationally acclaimed dermatologists, ophthalmologists, urologists, internists, endocrinologists, cardiologists, and nutritionists.
Endorsed by leading triathletes, Olympic medalists, trail runners, track runners, racing drivers, and volleyball, baseball, and football players.
AstaReal was the first company in the world to commercially produce natural astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis and has the highest level of expertise and longest experience in the field of microalgae research and production.
Sold across Europe, North America, South-East Asia, India, and Japan in health and beauty products.
Cultivation: Algae cells are grown in photo bioreactors. Cultivation starts with the “seed” taken from a pure culture from the lab.
Green Phase: The culture is enriched with essential nutrients for the algae.
Red Phase: The production of astaxanthin is induced.
Harvesting: Astaxanthin-rich algae are harvested, crushed and spray-dried.
Extraction and Refining: Astaxanthin is extracted from the algae cells and refined for purity.
Tested For
Heavy Metals
Microbiological Contamination
Ceritified As
Gluten Free

1. Nagaki Y et al., Efects of astaxanthin on accommodation, critical ficker fusions, and pattern visual evoked potential in visual display terminal workers. J Trad Med.2002;19:170-73.
2. Nitta T et al., Efects of astaxanthin on accommodation and asthenopia – Dose fnding study in healthy volunteers. J Clin Therap Med. 2005;21(5):534-56.
3. Nakamura A et al., Changes in Visual Function Following Peroral Astaxanthin. Jpn J Clin Opthalmol. 2004;58:1051-54.
4. Nagaki Y et al., The supplementation efect of astaxanthin on accommodation and asthenopia. J Clin Therap Med. 2006;22:41-54.
5. Nagaki Y et al., Efect of astaxanthin on accommodation and asthenopia. Folia Ophthalomogica Japonica. 2010;3(5):461-68.
6. Saito M et al., Astaxanthin increases choroidal blood fow velocity. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2012;250:239-45.